The roadmap to any successful business, whether a start-up or established starts with the formulation of a solid business plan, marketing, finance, legal, and accounting team. Our conservative nature serves to ensure that not only the foundation of your new business is strong, but also remains strong, with strong growth, this becomes available with access to a powerful accounting team, strong business planning, financing to reach long-term goals, and a solid legal team if any problems arise. We will connect you with industry professionals so you can succeed.
Create sound roadmap that outlines your business proposal, its strategy, and financial forecast. Business plans are a great tool to seek investments in your business.
Strong financial planning is essential to keeping a business running smoothly, and locating opportunities. We help you get financing, purchasing/leasing property, and managing your finances.
Accountants formulate balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and statements of shareholder equity for businesses.
The very best relationships are when both parties benefit. Ebrahimi Accounting have served both business and individuals in Vancouver for over 26 years. We take the time to know you — and understand your goals.